Shana Tova – Not Asking For Much

“Have a Good Year”. That’s the salutation Jewish people use this time of year.

It is a time of reflection and thanks; a time of prayer for the forthcoming year. I usually approach the New Year with a long shopping list of needs and wants to put in my prayers. I find my needs are usually answered in full. My wants – not as much. I’m certain that I’m better off that way. 

Not asking for much

This year I decided that I won’t ask for much. Here’s my short list:

  My family, friends and clients should have a Healthy year – In mind, body, soul, and finances

  We should all find peace in our lives; in our homes, in our shops and workplaces, and on the headlines of our daily papers

 Find joy and purpose in our daily lives

 Find a way, every single day of the year, to make at least one person smile.

In short, I’m asking the Lord to give me a Shana Tova. And to my family and friends.

I really want to thank so many of you for reaching out to me after my last article about Hope. Never expected so many warm and positive reactions. 

One jeweler drove in to New York City (about 3 hours) just to give me a hug. The article had just the right words for him at the right time, and it took him out of a dark place. 

This makes everything I do worthwhile!

Keep the comments coming. I love to read them. Email me directly at


In case you’re wondering why I’m not writing about the diamond market?  Simple. I’m waiting for something positive to write about. The HK show wasn’t much to talk about, and the American market is still quite sleepy. I sense a little activity, and hopefully next month I’ll dedicate a longer article on where the pockets of strength are.