Hasenfeld-Stein Diamonds

We couldn’t be prouder of the products we offer. As our founder, Alexander Hasenfeld, said in 1948, “do what you do best, and do it better than anyone else”. And, that’s what we do each and every day. In the industry, we have a reputation of selling some of the most extraordinary Rounds, Asschers, Cushions, Emeralds, and Princesses. But, we are most proud of is our FireMark® brand of diamonds, which is not only exclusive and patented, but one of the most brilliant diamonds in the world. In fact, our FirePrincess® consistently rivals an Ideal Round in brilliance, with an average 98% light return. Our FireCushion® is a GIA Excellent/Excellent, (not a Modified Brilliant), and has a more brilliant and larger appearance than any other Cushion in the marketplace today.

Forevermark and Black Label Rounds

Through the Forevermark brand, Hasenfeld-Stein is proud to offer our spectacular Rounds through the Black Label Collection. The Black Label Rounds represent a new generation of diamonds which have exceptional sparkle. They are the most exclusive collection of diamond cuts ever conceived. Forevermark has developed a proprietary technology for this exclusive collection, which maximizes the brilliance of each diamond through perfect symmetry cut and unprecedented accuracy. If you are a Forevermark retailer, we suggest you consider our Black Label Round Collection. You can easily search the collection here.

FireMark® Diamonds

At Hasenfeld-Stein, we love every diamond we create. But, if we had to be partial to one, it would be our FireMark® branded collection. Our FireMark® diamonds consist of both our patented FirePrincess® cut and FireCushion® cut diamonds. We believe (and know from our customers) that they are the most beautiful diamonds in the world.


There is almost nothing rarer than our patented FireCushion® diamond. It is important to note, less than 1 out of every 1,000 Cushions in the world are classified as GIA Excellent/Excellent (not a Modified Brilliant). Why is this important to your customers? Modified Cushions are cut with big “bellies”, which do nothing to make these typically more brilliant. In addition, cost is an enormous factor. Our FireCushion® is 15% bigger than typical Cushions of the same weight. Your customers won’t pay for extra and unnecessary weight they can’t see. The FireCushion® is available from .50 to 3 carats, D-K, IF-SI2.

What else should you know:

  • FireCushion® has a more uniform brilliance with an average 95% light return
  • There is a significant cost savings. It is at least 15% lighter than a typical Cushion of the same dimensions
  • It is more square – a maximum 1.0: 1.05 length to width ratio (the more rectangular a Cushion diamond is, the more likely there will be dead spots in the diamond)


Our FirePrincess® is the most perfectly cut princess diamond there is. We don’t simply say this as a marketing slogan, it has been documented and proven. It is so brilliant, it rivals any Ideal Round. It has an unprecedented 98% average light return and is available from .40 points to 5 carats, D-K, IF-SI2. It is also graded Excellent for polish and symmetry by GIA and rated Excellent for light performance by GCAL.

Ordinary Princess

Other facts to note:

  • There is a Patented Double Crown (9.5% – 13.5%) with additional facets and distinctive angles
  • It has a smaller table with a 65% average (68% maximum)
  • It has shallower depths with a 68% average (70.9% maximum)
  • It will appear 10% larger than a typical Princess Cut of the same carat weight
  • There are Chamfered or cut corners (invisible to the naked eye) for significantly increased durability
  • The FireMark® branded logo is inscribed on each and every girdle

Ideal Rounds

While we have a love for our FireMark brand, the majority of our production and sales are hearts and arrows Ideal Rounds. Our Ideal Rounds are Triple Excellent/Triple Zero and available in .40 points to 5 carats, D-I, IF- I1.

Asshers, Cushions,
Emeralds, and Princesses

Hasenfeld-Stein is known for our Ideal Rounds and the FireMark® brand, but we are also very well known for patented fancy cuts. Our Assher, Cushion, Emerald and Princess cut diamonds are available from .40 points to 6 carats, D-L, IF-I1, and are Ideal and near-Ideal.