HASENFELD-STEIN INC. Supply Chain Due Diligence Report
HASENFELD-STEIN INC. has aligned its Supply Chain Due Diligence communication and reporting on RJC’s Guidance for this subject. As a result, this document recaps the reporting requirements for Tier 1 and downstream companies (HASENFELD-STEIN INC.’s position in the diamond supply chain).
To comply with its Supply Chain Due Diligence obligations, HASENFELD-STEIN INC. has engaged with all its suppliers by sending them its Supply Chain Policy and a Due Diligence Questionnaire, both accompanied by an explanatory letter on its Supply Chain Due Diligence and the Company’s obligations in this respect. To date, the majority of suppliers have sent this questionnaire back, and the Company strives for 100% completion of supplier-response.
To date, no risks (neither actual or potential) have been identified; the Company will continue to check supplier’s information (whether in a formal or in an informal way) to maintain compliance.
To date, no specific risks have been identified in our supply chain, as such, no specific extra steps have been undertaken by the Company to manage risks, to monitor and track performance of risk mitigation or to follow up any specific risk-areas.
New York, March 15th 2024
Mr. Hertz Hasenfeld, President